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Friday, May 29, 2009

A boy and his dog...

Off to the park. Where else do boys and their dogs go?

Aus has only just noticed his shadow and that it follows him. It's his new best friend and makes him laugh when it does silly things- or he does silly things...

He has really become such a little man lately. He speaks using whole sentences and rarely forgets to say please and thank you. When I'm tired and have a lay down on the couch he thinks I might be sick. Suddenly he's there stroking my hair and saying 'Don't worry Mummy, Austin's here' and 'want a cuppa tea Mummy?'... although he looks lost if I say I do want a 'cuppa tea' lol. He's a sweet child and always shares whatever he has, including chocolate :) I'm so proud of how caring and kind he is, I think it comes from his Dad (who is doing such a great job at picking up my slack just now).

Baby brother has become a big part of his life already, every day he has a conversation with my belly. Always asking when baby brother will come out and can he give him a bath when he does? (He saw a baby being bathed on tv and now thinks that's what you need to do with babies). He brings out his blanket in the morning and puts it over my belly making sure to cover it properly in case baby brother gets cold.

I don't think I'm too worried about how Aus will take to a little brother being in the house :)

I'm hoping this baby doesn't go over due (Aus was 2 weeks over). I would really like to meet him sooner rather than later. And I've actually managed to quilt his blanket so he just needs to wait for me to put the binding on and he's good to go :) Can I say that Minky fabric is very difficult to quilt!? I swear it gets up and runs away while you're trying to move it! Even with the iron on stuff on the back. Oh well, it's done and I'm sure he wont mind if it's a little bit wonky- pictures when I've done the binding I promise.

Well we're really on the count down now... 18 days. I can't figure out if it's going too fast or too slow! At least I've got this little man to entertain me while I wait...

Thank you all for the nice comments and reminding me there's not long to go :) I need to keep telling myself what I'll be getting out of all this and that it's most definitely worth it!


Princess kirstie jane said...

How great to have a shadow friend, I will remember to notice my shadow friend and the silly things she does. I love the things kids remind us to notice. Aus sounds very caring, what a great job you are doing.

jesca191 said...

Hahaha I love the picture of Austin at the end, first I looked at it and thought, hmm why did kris put a picture of her clothes drying on here, and then I though OHHH there's Aus haha I'm silly!=].

Chocolate Cat said...

These are very cute photos of your little man!

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