Do you need shoes to match an outfit? Or are your shoes too boring?
Here's a quick way to fancy them up!

You will need:
- some 80's style clip on earrings
- some leather or other thick material like felt
-glue gun and glue
- your ready made flowers (several different links to flower tutorials at bottom of this post)

1. Lever off a pair of clips.

2. Cut out 2 small circles of leather or felt

3. Glue the leather or felt to the side of the clip that will be on the inside of the shoe. This is to cushion the clip and make sure it wont rub a hole in your foot!

4. Glue on your chosen flowers and you're done! Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy!

You can make all sorts of colours to wear with different outfits!

I promise I don't always wear odd shoes! :)
The orange ones were made using my Vintage Lace Flower Tutorial:
(click image)
Here's a quick way to fancy them up!

You will need:
- some 80's style clip on earrings
- some leather or other thick material like felt
-glue gun and glue
- your ready made flowers (several different links to flower tutorials at bottom of this post)

1. Lever off a pair of clips.

2. Cut out 2 small circles of leather or felt

3. Glue the leather or felt to the side of the clip that will be on the inside of the shoe. This is to cushion the clip and make sure it wont rub a hole in your foot!

4. Glue on your chosen flowers and you're done! Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy!

You can make all sorts of colours to wear with different outfits!

I promise I don't always wear odd shoes! :)
The orange ones were made using my Vintage Lace Flower Tutorial:
(click image)
Some other flower tutorials:
(click the image)
(click the image)

Have fun with your fancy shoes!
These are gorgeous! You are unstoppable, I love your creativity!
so cool! love them. I would clip them to my shoes, I would clip them to my jacket, I would clip them in my hair, I would clip them EVERYWHERE!
LOVE IT. Especially the one with the red shoes. Darling.
These are lovely. If you don't have the time to make them, you can buy them ready made at my website I have been making shoe clips for the past 7 years and I can't stop, it's addictive!
Love these! So many things you could do. :)
happy crafting
Craftaholics Anonymous
Wonderful! And just in time too: one of my buttons fell off my fav black flats. At first, I thought I had to buy a new button but hey, I can make my own clip, pop off the other button and add another clip to match! LOL
Thanks for the tutorial :D
I love this! What a great idea! I am hosting Flower Week at my blog! I hope you'll stop by and check it out.
This blog is very helpful for me. Now I can make shoes clip of my own. I also want to buy ready made shoe clips in UK. Can you suggest some locations in UK.
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