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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 winners!!

Winners have been drawn at random for the earrings giveaway and here they are:

1. Sewfunky who had number 3 first as her favorite

red teardrop 2

2. Ladybug Cat who had number 6 as hers

pink circles 2

3. and Vic @ Punky & Me who likes number 4

round blue 2

Congrats girls! I'll need your addresses to send your goodies!

Thanks everyone for entering and look out for the next one!

Monday, October 26, 2009

First in best dressed!

First, another order to send off tomorrow. I love the name Mikaeli! The photo doesn't show it very well but all the pearls are a slightly different colour, the center one being the darkest. I hope this is what you meant Jo! :)

Now for something different. I found this in an op shop and couldn't bare to leave it there, so I paid the princely sum of 10c and took it home. This is all done by hand!! Why would someone spend so many hours creating such loveliness and then give it to the oppy? So many teeny tiny stitches! I can't remember what you call it, anyone?

Anyway it has been rescued, but now it needs rescuing again. I don't have girls and really I can't think of any use I could put it to. I think it needs to go to someone who will treat it lovingly and make something brilliant out of it!

So the first person to say they want it, shall have it. Better be quick!! I would love to see what you make it into!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The victim...

The culprit...

Hmmm... 2 seconds is all it took!

Friday, October 23, 2009

A bit of fam love...

Had a little photo sesh with my kidlets yesterday and got a few goodies. I thought I should post them for Gran and Pop's benefit :) But the rest of you are quite welcome to 'oh and ah' over them! He he :)

Blue eyed boy

my precious!

cute Noah

I swear I didn't change the colour of his eyes at all! They are just that bright! I couldn't coax a smile out of him but still these are good enough for me!

No fish

Mud fish

Aus had just got back from fishing with Dad. He in the first one I had asked him if he got any fish, he said yes. The second one is when he told me it was a mud fish!! He makes me laugh that kid!

Remember to enter the giveaway!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New earrings... and I'm Giving them away!

I'm not Blogtober Festing because a 2 yr old and a 4 month old simply don't leave enough time! But I'm getting in on the spirit of giveaways anyway...

So what's on offer? Well, another reason I've been quiet- new earrings. They're not in the shop as of just now but will be asap. They are all sterling silver with pearls and swarovski crystals. So here are the stars of the show:


green teardrop 1

green teardrop 2


round pink 1

round pink 3

round pink 2


red teardrop 1

red teardrop 2


round blue 1

round blue 2


orange swirl 1

orange swirl 2


pink circles 1

pink circles 2


There will be 3 winners! To enter just comment on this post and tell me which 2 pairs you would like to win. That way hopefully all the winners should get one they like :)

The winners will be drawn Wed 28th Oct. So get commenting!

P.s please take a moment to look at the post below this one, new Jewellery Trees abound!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh yes I have been busy... grab yourself a cuppa!!

all together

Yup. Busy. Hence hardly any blogging to speak of. Sorry. (ahem) But now I have lots to show and tell, so that cuppa will come in handy for this post....

6 new Jewellery Trees are up for grabs and I thought that I would let people who come to visit my blog have the first pick. If you want one email me (address on side bar) and tell me which one you would like. Hopefully the one you want is still available. They are $80 AUD plus $15 AUD for postage (in Australia). If by this time next week they are not all gone I'll list the left overs on my etsy shop (also on the side bar).
These have all been sealed and if wont tarnish so no polishing required! (I know you've got better things to do!)

If you need to see any more pics of any of these, click the photos and it should direct you to the flickr set the photo comes from. There are several close ups of each tree.

Ok here's No. 1:





This tree was built up from a silver plated goblet that I cut off. It is pretty sturdy and tall for the longer necklaces. All the trees have at least one ring holder as you can see in the photos.

No. 2:






This one is built on a silver plated bowl with a silver plated goblet soldered to the bottom. Then a flattened spoon on top of that is the base for the branches. This one has 2 ring holders.

No. 3:





Again this in a silver plated bowl with a silver plated goblet on top. This one is really quite tall and would be good for those long necklaces. 2 ring holder on this one too.

No. 4:






I really like this one and so does Jem (not that his opinion counts on jewellery storage, hehe). The bottom ring was actually off the bottom of a bowl that I took off. It sat in my studio for a few weeks before I had the idea to use the forks. It's really sturdy and again tall. This one has 1 ring holder.

No. 5:






This one is based on a silver plated goblet that I put little legs on (came off another bowl). It's tall as well and has one ring holder. This one has a special feature of the double spoons (in the pic), I cut off the handle of one spoon and soldered it to the bowl of another. It seems pretty strong because I hit it a few times with my pliers to see if it would fall off!

No. 6:






This one is my absolute fave. Again it's a goblet on top of a bowl and a spoon on top of that. The branches come out around the spoon. The thing I like best about it is (as you can see in the last photo it has 3 spoons spaced on top of each other in the middle. I just think it looks cool :) It's again tall (why don't we just say they're all tall?!) and has one ring holder.

Phew!! That took a while didn't it? Thanks for cruising on til the end. Tomorrow there will be another post about the new earrings I have made. Also thought I might do a give away to go with it. Keep your eye out!!
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