For those who don't know the little guy above, his name is Arnold, of 'Arnold the Prickly Teddy'. He has a beautiful story about not being picked off the shelf because he wasn't soft and cuddly. After a journey it turns out that all his prickles have worn off and he has someone to love him. My mum says she had to read this book to me every night at bed time. I still love Arnold and he now lives on Aussie Bob's shelf ready for when he's old enough to not rip out all the pages!
Last night was my sister's 21st birthday party. I really only have about 5 pics because the camera went flat. Good planning there. (duh) Anyway this is me and my cousin Jess (I'm the blond one). The theme was 'Bling' so I was all decked out in gold and silver. And I also had fake eye lashes on with little diamantes on, which prevented me from opening my eyes! That's why I look funny in this photo.
I also gave her the quilt I made, she loved it. I'll try to get pics of it on here soon! (Yes I did forget to take them before I gave it to her)
Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for the week to come! Cheers
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